Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Twilight Heroine

Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain.
                                                                                                -Isabella “Bella” Swan

Shy, loyal, loving, caring, responsible, stubborn, clumsy, smart and reserved – these are the common characteristics we know about Bella Swan. But there is more to see about Bella, she is quite interesting and an unedifying character I may call it. As humans we just keep getting habits and new additional traits that we absorbed, that of course influence on our personality.  Bella is constantly changing personality as any of us are. But something so magnificent about this character is that at 17 she’s responsible, more than any of us could say, and even if she has no confidence in herself she somehow manages herself to be true and sure about what is right for her, about what she wants and needs, that is Edward.
          Who could possibly be very certain about what you want about life when you’re 17? Of course when you find true love it is impossible to not know what is right for you, when you know you had been made for that person, and that person was made especially for you, when you find your soul mate at 17 you are sure about him about EVERYTHING that has to do with him,who could possibly be so lucky as Bella finding her true love at such a short age and having so self confidence about it? I wish I were. Being a seventeen such as Bella doesn’t sounds bad, it sounds about right. 

Isabella Swan holds a unique stance as well as quite socially awkward personality traits. She is a very reserved and shy person however is seen to contradict this trait through the use of her open-mindedness and ability to speak her mind if something is bothering her. Her character presents one of which is quite nurturing showing the ability to be caring, understanding and mature in both her reactions to incidences occurring around her and also within the borders of her own life. Some of her characteristics in which are distinct are just as the same as my personality, proving it to be at more responsible for the rounding of my character, these include my private mind, clumsiness and again stubbornness. As for the aspect of Bella’s interests it can be noted that they consist of Edward, Edward and more Edward and the constant necessity of being with him. Bella is seen to not conform to the personality of most teenagers, therefore articulating her individualistic nature.

Bella is a highly clumsy person who falls into accidents so much that even if she were walking, she would fall. She is also very stubborn when it comes to something that she decides and in the entire Twilight Saga, this is depicted very patiently. Just like me, when I decide on something, I do it without giving it a second thought.

Also Bella is a very bad liar. Unlike me, I guess that’s one of my advantages to Bella. She does not possess the ability to speak crisp clean lie and ends up getting caught, though when its the need of time, she can play well with the lie. This shows that Bella is an honest girl who loves to speak the truth, but when the truth is harsh, she knows how to get rid of it.

Bella’s personality is very loving and caring, but in whatever she does, she is extreme. Either she loves or she hates and there is just nothing in the mid.

She always under estimates her own abilities and skills. In the entire Twilight Saga she is seen to think herself to have below the average look which makes her feel that she is no match for Edward.

Most teenage girls are interested in boys and fashion. But Bella Swan is not your typical teen. She takes little interest in the gossip and trivialities that preoccupy her friends. Just more likely as me, I don’t care about being popular or having a social life and has to force myself to hang out with my friends. Preferring her own company (or ideally that of her vampire boyfriend), Bella Swan is quite content to sit in her garden reading a romance novel.

When it comes to fashion and style, Bella’s personality is simple and straight. She likes to wear anything comfortable and relaxing. Shoes with no heels and always flat. She does not like standing alone in the picture getting admired or looked on by others. She likes to stay in the crowd and as hidden as can be.

Much more like Bella I have little interest in music or movies and have few hobbies. I am clumsy and uncoordinated, which makes me really bad at sport, and is always falling over and hurting myself. I have absolutely no interest in my appearance. I hardly ever wears make-up, pays little interest to my hair and prefers wearing loose comfortable clothes to anything high fashion. 

 Bella Swan is definitely not the materialistic type. She can have anything she wants and yet she wants nothing – nothing that is, except for her vampire boyfriend Edward. She could care less about the luxurious life Edward can offer her. She refuses to let him buy her expensive gifts or to replace her banged up old truck with one of his slinky fast cars (at least until after she’s become a vampire). In fact, she barely tolerates him – or anyone - buying her anything at all. 

Like Bella Swan I’m matured, selfless and compassionate. I often put the feelings and interests of others before my own. More like Bella, she gives up her life with her mom in sunny Phoenix so that her mom can spend time alone with her new husband. She hides her occasional fear of Edward and his family (when their true vampire natures are revealed) to spare their feelings. And time and again when she’s in danger of being murdered by vampires, she risks her life to save the ones she loves.

Even when Edward leaves her, Bella tries to suppress her heartbreak to stop her father worrying about her. She copes with Edward’s absence by living in a kind of lifeless limbo, going through the motions of living while feeling dead inside. The only times she feels alive is when her life is at risk, which is why she takes to doing crazying things (like riding a motor-cycle and jumping off a cliff). At those times, she hears Edward’s voice scolding her for her carelessness.

The only thing that stops Bella Swan ending her life to escape her grief at losing Edward is the pain it would cause her parents. However, when she accidentally almost drowns, she feels relief and not distress at the prospect of death.

All of Bella’s Features, Characteristic and Personality make her an Over All vibrant, down to earth and strong yet polite person with enough spark of energy to achieve what she wishes.
And this makes her everyone’s favorite person.

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